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the story

That inspired The Peace Pod Project

The story behind the Peace Pod Project

In 2000, the then NYU graduate film student S. Casper Wong’s best friend, Dr. Louise ("LuLu") Nutter, a world class cancer researcher and professor at the University of Minnesota was diagnosed with end stage breast cancer herself at the age of 42.

In the award-winning feature documentary film, The LuLu Sessions, Casper captured the last 15 months of LuLu's life and candidly told the story of their last transformation together. In the film, we discover how LuLu's alcoholism contributed to the deterioration of their relationship over time. As we watched LuLu's body ravaged by the disease, those last months offered an unexpected sort of healing — of forgiveness and a chance to express gratitude.

The intense personal experience of love and death, forgiveness and gratitude inspired The Peace Pod Project.


Why is forgiveness important?

Most people recognize the power of forgiveness. From the ancient practice of the Polynesians' ho'oponopono to modern medicine's use in palliative care, they come together in a few simple words:

“I love you. I forgive you. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

These words have enormous power to unburden and heal, and have well documented health benefits.

A 1988 Gallup Organization study found that while 94% of us say it is important to forgive, 85% said they needed some form of outside help to be able to forgive.

The Peace Pod Project creates a dedicated space and a 21st Century approach and tools to help with the basic human conflict.